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Video of the Additional Protocol to the Abidjan Convention
Auteur: The Regional Partnership for the Conservation of the Coastal and Marine Zone in West Africa
Video of the additional protocol to the Abidjan Convention
Vidéo du Protocole additionnel à la Convention d'Abidjan
Auteur: The Regional Partnership for the Conservation of the Coastal and Marine Zone in West Africa
Vidéo du Protocole additionnel à la Convention d'Abidjan
Video of Private Sector Commiting to Coastal Resilience
Auteur: World Bank
The celebration of Earth Day should cause us to pause and consider the state of our planet.
Video du secteur privé s'engageant en faveur de la résilience des zones côtières
Auteur: World Bank
La célébration du Jour de la Terre devrait nous inciter à nous arrêter et à réfléchir à l'état de notre planète.
Detailed Master Plan West Africa Coastal Areas
Auteur: The West African Monetary and Economic Union (UEMOA)
Littoraux d'Afrique de l'Ouest schéma directeur détaillé
Auteur: The West African Monetary and Economic Union (UEMOA)
West Africa Coastal Areas Executive Summary
Auteur: The West African Monetary and Economic Union (UEMOA)
Littoraux d'Afrique de l'Ouest resume exécutif
Auteur: The West African Monetary and Economic Union (UEMOA)
West Africa Coastal Areas General Document
Auteur: The West African Monetary and Economic Union (UEMOA)
Littoraux d'Afrique de l'Ouest document général
Auteur: The West African Monetary and Economic Union (UEMOA)
St Louis, Senegal: Coastal Communities Facing Waves of Change
Auteur: World Bank
Saint Louis’s coastal community is losing ground to the ocean each year, and families are losing their possessions, food and homes to coastal erosion, flooding, even breaking waves. But West Africa’s countries are working together, with the support of WACA, to create new solutions to protect the most vulnerable.
World Bank Econothon: WACA and Blue Economy with Karin Kemper, Director
Auteur: World Bank
WACA was presented as bringing key solutions to coastal resilience by World Bank Director, Karin Kemper (watch starting at 40:00) at a 24 hour Econothon.
West Africa: Rising Tides Threaten Livelihoods along the Coastline
Auteur: West Africa Coastal Areas Management Program (WACA)
Preserving and protecting the coastline along West Africa is critical. A large proportion of West Africa's population lives in areas that are most at risk of coastal erosion, where rising tides threaten their livelihoods and the communities they have built and lived in for generations.
Tenir l’océan à distance en Afrique de l’Ouest
Auteur: West Africa Coastal Areas Management Program (WACA)
En cette semaine de la Journée mondiale de l’océan, rappelons-nous qu’un tiers de la population d’Afrique de l’Ouest vit sur le littoral. Elle est confrontée à la montée des eaux et à l’érosion côtière qui détruit chaque année entre 23 et 30 mètres de terre. Le Programme de gestion du littoral ouest-africain (WACA) aide les pays africains à y faire face en leur fournissant des ressources techniques et financières adaptées.
Living on the Edge: Dovi’s Story
Auteur: West Africa Coastal Areas Management Program (WACA)
Dovi Woollens has lived along the coast of Baguida, Togo for her entire life. She makes her living from the sea, by selling fish and seafood in her local community. In recent years, Dovi has struggled to make ends meet because fish are no longer as plentiful, and it’s harder to have a good catch. All along the coast of West Africa, fishermen and women like Dovi face similar threats to their livelihood. They are on the frontlines of climate change, coastal erosion and pollution.