The Knowledge Pillar of the WACA Platform is critical to identify needs and priorities for coastal resilience investments and to facilitate countries’ access to the best global expertise and knowledge. It is currently coordinated by the World Bank. Various knowledge products will be produced to guide intervention strategies in natural capital, nature-based and sustainable infrastructure solutions, new or updated WACA Multi-Sector Investment Plans, and migration and gender aspects. The Platform is developing long-term partnerships among countries, regional institutions, and global partners to enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of initiatives and investments. Knowledge exchanges remain a key tool to enhance knowledge transfer. Currently coordinated by the World Bank, the Knowledge Pillar is being implemented with multiple partners through several initiatives, including:
The African Center of Excellence for Coastal Resilience, or ACE CoR hosted by the University of Cape Coast, the WACA ACE CoR is leading the development of a network of academic and training institutions that will provide the courses, ,training, and cutting edge research needed for long-term development of regional expertise for resilient coastal management.
The West Africa Coastal Observatory: currently facilitated by the Centre de Suivi Ecologique and the International Union for Conservation of Nature building on the West Africa Coastal Management Scheme, the Observatory will produce a “State of the West Africa Coast Report” that will highlight biophysical and socioeconomic trends and indicate the actions needed to maintain healthy and productive coastal areas.
On Knowledge and Training the Platform is facilitating knowledge exchanges between countries within West Africa, and with countries beyond. The intent is to stimulate interest in new solutions and lessons from other countries, and at the same time apply these approaches to WACA countries’ multi-sector investment plans, local solutions, and new project designs.