Lessons from the Field
Marine clean-up day in support of the Goree Marine Protected Area
March 19, 2024 - WACA Senegal

Watch this video describing the marine clean-up day in support of the Goree Marine Protected Area.

Lessons from the Field
WACA workshop launch
March 19, 2024 - WACA Senegal

WACA workshop launch video

Lessons from the Field
Goree protection work site handover visit
March 19, 2024 - WACA Senegal

Watch this video about Goree protection work site handover visit.

In West Africa, coastal infrastructure has an effect about 50 km downstream, and the challenge is therefore trans-national in nature. There is an urgency in managing the sediment transport along the shore and around coastal infrastructure.

The WACA Senegal team on a exploratory mission prior to its intervention in Carabane, Kafountine and Abéné in the Ziguinchor region.

Lessons from the Field
Witness to coastal erosion in Diembering, Casamance
December 05, 2022 - WACA Senegal

Witness to coastal erosion in Diembering, Casamance.

Lessons from the Field
Listen to this mini report on the Senegalese coastline and the lives of its inhabitants
December 22, 2022 - WACA Senegal

Discover the extent to which coastal erosion threatens the Senegalese coastline and the lives of its inhabitants through this mini report. Together, we must be resourceful in the face of this phenomenon.

Africa Case Study: The Great Green Wall and The West Africa Coastal Areas Management (WACA) Programmes, by Maria Sarraf.

Question 1: WACA is an ambitious program, both by the magnitude of the challenge, and the investments needed; can you tell us how the program came about within the World Bank, its objectives and the expected results?

Lessons from the Field
We Need a Gender-Sensitive Approach to Tackle Plastic Pollution by Arzucan Askin
May 14, 2020 - Story by Arzucan Nur Askin

Women play a central yet largely invisible role in the use and recycling of plastic.  Globally, most plastic waste management efforts have primarily focused on the technical dimensions of waste disposal, failing to recognize that each stage of the plastic value chain has gender implications.


Lessons from the Field
Reviving Nouakchott’s Coastal Dunes
May 19, 2019 - Story by Thomas Price, Coordinator of the WACA Regional Implementation Support Unit, IUCN Senegal

Nouakchott, Mauritania’s capital and biggest city is at, or below, sea level. Its coast is protected by a fragile wall of dunes at risk from natural erosion, sand mining, grazing of livestock on dune vegetation, and careless abuse of the landscape for leisure like dune racing.

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