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Quarterly West African Regional Coastal Observatory (WARCO) Newsletter
Auteur: UEMOA, WACA, World Bank, FFEM, UICN
The quarterly West African Regional Coastal Observatory (WARCO) newsletter is created and published on the collaborative platform expertises.
Order approving the Environmental and Social Impact Statement (ESIS)
Auteur: Ministre de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable et de la Transition Ecologique
Document relating to the WACA project, mainly on environmental safeguard issues.
Order approving the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
Auteur: Ministre de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable et de la Transition Ecologique
Document relating to the WACA project, mainly on environmental safeguard issues.
Order approving the Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA)
Auteur: Ministre de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable et de la Transition Ecologique
Documentation relating to the WACA project, mainly on environmental safeguard issues.
Assesment 2016 West Africa Coastal Areas Cote d'Ivoire
Auteur: The West African Monetary and Economic Union (UEMOA)
Assesment 2016 West Africa Coastal Areas Benin
Auteur: The West African Monetary and Economic Union (UEMOA)
Assessment 2016 West Africa Coastal Areas SENEGAL SOUTH
Auteur: The West African Monetary and Economic Union (UEMOA)
Assessment 2016 West Africa Coastal Areas SENEGAL North
Auteur: The West African Monetary and Economic Union (UEMOA)
St Louis, Senegal: Coastal Communities Facing Waves of Change
Auteur: World Bank
Saint Louis’s coastal community is losing ground to the ocean each year, and families are losing their possessions, food and homes to coastal erosion, flooding, even breaking waves. But West Africa’s countries are working together, with the support of WACA, to create new solutions to protect the most vulnerable.
2019 Private Sector Communique
Auteur: West Africa Coastal Areas Management Program (WACA)
Dialogue with private sector: How can the private sector be more involved in the implementation of actions to strengthen the resilience of the West African coastal zone in the face of climate change??
Multisectoral Investment Plan Benin
Auteur: Antea Group
The overall objective of the West African Coastal Management Program is to reduce coastal risks to the coasts of Mauritania, Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire, Togo and Benin, taking into account the potential effects of climate change.
Multi-Sectoral Investment Plan São Tomé and Príncipe
Auteur: The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR)/ World Bank
Multi-Sectoral Investment Plan to integrate climate change resilience and disaster risk into São Tomé and Príncipe's coastal zone management.
Integrated Management Plan for Coastal Areas In Senegal
Auteur: Prepared by Etienne Baijot with contributions from Mamadou Dione and Nick Marchesi
The main objective of the project "Establishment of an integrated coastal zone management plan in Senegal" (EuropeAid/130397/D/SER/SN) is to support the Government of Senegal in preparing an integrated coastal zone management plan that takes into account the fight against coastal erosion and adaptation to climate change.
Multi-Sectoral Investment Plan for Côte d'Ivoire
Auteur: Mr. Cédric A. LOMBARDO, Project Coordinator, Director of BeDevelopment
The target area of the WACA Grand Lahou project is the Bandama estuary in Côte d'Ivoire, West Africa. It is located on the center of the south coast of the country, on the Gulf of Guinea, at the mouth of the Bandama River.
Erosion côtière : L’hydre qui ne cesse d’engloutir les côtes sénégalaises
Auteur: Quoi de vert magazine
Quoi de Vert is a magazine specialized in Senegal on sustainable development. This edition focuses on coastal resilience with a series of stories and WACA featured as a key program in building coastal resilience.