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Togo: 283 Hectares of mangroves reforested on the banks of Lake Zowla
The WACA ResIP-Togo's sub-project "Continuation of the preservation of natural heritage and restoration of biodiversity in the Basins of Lake Zowla" reforested 283 hectares of mangroves from 2020 to 2023. Spearheaded by the NGO Association of Togolese Volunteers for Development (AVOTODE), this initiative restored the banks of Lake Zowla, previously ravaged by deforestation for firewood.
Mangroves, primarily composed of mangrove trees, are crucial to the local ecosystem. They serve as spawning and development sites for numerous aquatic and semi-aquatic species, bolstering local fishing industries. Additionally, mangroves act as natural barriers against extreme weather events and play a vital role in carbon sequestration and storage, mitigating the effects of climate change.
Under the leadership of Mr. Assidenou Koffi Dieu Donné, the AVOTODE team employed the "nurseries with buds" technique to ensure robust mangrove growth. "When we started, no one would have believed that we would achieve this result. Today, it’s a done deal," said Mr. Assidenou Koffi Dieudonné, a civil engineering technician. Although the sub-project has concluded, the NGO plans to continue monitoring and reforestation efforts with the support of local authorities.
Beyond its environmental impact, this reforestation initiative created green jobs for women and youth, who prepared the soil, planted the buds, and watered the nurseries for three to six months.