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Resilient Coastlines Resilient Communities Annual Report 2020
Author: The West Africa Coastal Areas Management Program (WACA)
With the World Bank engagement through WACA, we have been able to accelerate regional integration on coastal resilience. The combination of the World Bank’s ability to provide finance at the national and regional levels in parallel is proving effective for integration, harmonization, and economies of scale.
Un Littoral résilient, des communautes résilientes rapport annuel 2020
Author: The West Africa Coastal Areas Management Program (WACA)
L’engagement de la Banque mondiale à travers le WACA, nous a permis d’accélérer l’intégration régionale en matière de résilience côtière. La capacité de la Banque mondiale à fournir des financements à la fois au niveau national et régional s’avère efficace pour l’intégration, l’harmonisation et les économies d’échelle.
Operational Brief Overview Blue Economy for Resilient Africa Program
Author: World Bank, PROBLUE
The Blue Solutions for Africa series of operational briefs captures how a thriving Blue Economy can help African countries better manage the development challenges they face while supporting economic growth, sustainable livelihoods, and the health of these precious ecosystems.
Is Technology the Only Way for a New Future?
Our approach aims to establish a resilient and sustainable society by empowering humanware, hardware, and software. Many developing countries, where policy, regulatory, and institutional frameworks are not sufficiently developed to manage coastal areas and conserve environmental assets, have the potential for leapfrogging development using today’s technology.