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Author: Niras
NIRAS has prepared an innovative idea and a well-defined programme with a clear purpose of elaborating Shoreline Management Planning (SMP) Guidelines for each member state engaging all key stakeholders in a participatory SMP process.
Author: Universite de Nantes
In this context, the objective of SharIn@SEA is to share interdisciplinary good practices towards an international community of specialists by providing case studies based on real situations, and analyzed through a common foundation of interdisciplinary knowledge.
SLAMDAM, a Rapidly Deployable Water-Filled Flood Barrier
Author: Zephyr Consulting
SLAMDAM's unique design and material enable an exceptionally flexible solution for the emergency dam and water retention market. The product is made out of EPDM, a synthetic rubber having unique properties related to heat, ozone and weather resistance. These properties allow for the product to be used in many different conditions as an effective flood defense system. The flood barrier can be customized to meet local specific requirements.
Is Technology the Only Way for a New Future?
Our approach aims to establish a resilient and sustainable society by empowering humanware, hardware, and software. Many developing countries, where policy, regulatory, and institutional frameworks are not sufficiently developed to manage coastal areas and conserve environmental assets, have the potential for leapfrogging development using today’s technology.
CLS: WARPS, Western Africa Real-Time Ports System
WARPS is a coastal environmental assessment system that combines several technologies and expertise for achieving a comprehensive knowledge of the coastal environment of the Western African Ports and infrastructures.
Implant Structure
Author: Giken
The Implant Structure consists of robust and durable structural members which are firmly embedded into the ground by the Press-in Method. The structural members are selected from a wide variety of piling materials in accordance with design requirement, thus, the Implant Structure can cover a wide range of foundation designs required in today’s construction industry.
In order to limit unwanted coastal erosion, BRL Ingénierie has developed a unique know-how in design and supervision of works of sand filled geocontainers. Our company has 2 experiences in France (Sète) & Israël (Tel Aviv) and is seeking to develop this innovation in West Africa.
Saving the Seas
Author: Clewat
This innovation enables concrete measures to clean waterways of plastic, oil and plants. Thanks to our new technology, collection can also be carried out effectively on difficult plants. The technology is based on the flow of water and does not cause mechanical stress. As an example, the city of Kokkola, where 7 different technologies have been tested and only the Clewat solution achieved impressive results in removing Eurasian Watermilfoil.
Coastal Preservation & Ecological Water Intake
Author: Ecoplage
The Ecoplage® System consists of one or several drains buried under the beach, parallel to the coastline. The seawater infiltrates the drains by depression, insuring the desaturation of the sand. Collector pipes and transport pipes ensure that seawater inside the drains goes to the pump station by gravity, the pumping station is aimed to evacuate the filtered seawater, each system is unique and adapted to the beach, the environment and the needs and Zero negative impact on the fauna and flora, nor on the neighbouring shorelines.
The importance of Stakeholder Engagement
Author: Tecnoambiente
Securing a multidisciplinary stakeholder participation from all the interested actors is the key for the successiveness of each project. The aforementioned suggestions give light towards the effective inclusion of the local population, either by providing employment opportunities or by involving them in the decision-making process.
Sustainable Local Dredging Capacity
Author: Royal IHC
West Africa relies on international contractors and an aging fleet for the execution of dredging works. The vessels owned by the local contractors and port authorities are on average well over 30 years old and range amongst the most polluting vessels in operation. The only other alternative is to contract international Dredging Contractors, which means no local employment. We believe dredging required to counter the consequences of climate change can only be executed with the most environmentally friendly equipment operated by locals.
Combined Old Call for Innovation Proposals 2020
Author: WACA Program
Please Find all old Call for Innovation Proposals here
WACA CI au café de l'actualité
30 mars 2021 en direct de la maison de la presse
Resilient Coastlines Resilient Communities Annual Report 2020
Author: The West Africa Coastal Areas Management Program (WACA)
With the World Bank engagement through WACA, we have been able to accelerate regional integration on coastal resilience. The combination of the World Bank’s ability to provide finance at the national and regional levels in parallel is proving effective for integration, harmonization, and economies of scale.
Un Littoral résilient, des communautes résilientes rapport annuel 2020
Author: The West Africa Coastal Areas Management Program (WACA)
L’engagement de la Banque mondiale à travers le WACA, nous a permis d’accélérer l’intégration régionale en matière de résilience côtière. La capacité de la Banque mondiale à fournir des financements à la fois au niveau national et régional s’avère efficace pour l’intégration, l’harmonisation et les économies d’échelle.