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Assesment 2016 West Africa Coastal Areas Benin
Author: The West African Monetary and Economic Union (UEMOA)
Évaluation zones côtières d'Afrique de l'Ouest Bénin 2016
Author: The West African Monetary and Economic Union (UEMOA)
Multisectoral Investment Plan Benin
Author: Antea Group
The overall objective of the West African Coastal Management Program is to reduce coastal risks to the coasts of Mauritania, Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire, Togo and Benin, taking into account the potential effects of climate change.
Plan d’investissement multisectoriel pour le Benin
Author: Antea Group
Le Programme de gestion du littoral ouest africain vise comme objectif global à réduire les risques côtiers qui menacent le littoral de la Mauritanie, du Ghana, de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Togo et du Bénin, en prenant en compte les effets potentiels du changement climatique.
Benin plastic country brief
Author: World Bank
Benin is a lower-middle-income country in West Africa bordered by Burkina Faso, Niger, Nigeria, and Togo. Its economy is highly dependent on the informal reexport and transit trade with Nigeria, as well as the export of cotton. The country comprises 12 regional departements and runs a unitary presidential republic system with a parliament.
Bénin : fiche pays sur les plastiques
Author: World Bank
Le Bénin est un pays d'Afrique occidentale à revenu moyen inférieur, bordé par le Nigeria, le Togo, le Niger et le Burkina Faso. Son économie est fortement tributaire du commerce informel de réexportation et de transit avec le Nigeria, ainsi que de l'exportation de coton. Le pays comprend 12 départements régionaux et fonctionne selon un système de république présidentielle unitaire avec un parlement.
Assesment 2016 West Africa Coastal Areas Togo
Author: The West African Monetary and Economic Union (UEMOA)
Assessment 2016 West Africa Coastal Areas Togo
Author: The West African Monetary and Economic Union (UEMOA)
Évaluation Zones côtières d'Afrique de l'Ouest Togo 2016
Author: The West African Monetary and Economic Union (UEMOA)
West Africa: Rising Tides Threaten Livelihoods along the Coastline
Author: West Africa Coastal Areas Management Program (WACA)
Preserving and protecting the coastline along West Africa is critical. A large proportion of West Africa's population lives in areas that are most at risk of coastal erosion, where rising tides threaten their livelihoods and the communities they have built and lived in for generations.
Tenir l’océan à distance en Afrique de l’Ouest
Author: West Africa Coastal Areas Management Program (WACA)
En cette semaine de la Journée mondiale de l’océan, rappelons-nous qu’un tiers de la population d’Afrique de l’Ouest vit sur le littoral. Elle est confrontée à la montée des eaux et à l’érosion côtière qui détruit chaque année entre 23 et 30 mètres de terre. Le Programme de gestion du littoral ouest-africain (WACA) aide les pays africains à y faire face en leur fournissant des ressources techniques et financières adaptées.
Living on the Edge: Dovi’s Story
Author: West Africa Coastal Areas Management Program (WACA)
Dovi Woollens has lived along the coast of Baguida, Togo for her entire life. She makes her living from the sea, by selling fish and seafood in her local community. In recent years, Dovi has struggled to make ends meet because fish are no longer as plentiful, and it’s harder to have a good catch. All along the coast of West Africa, fishermen and women like Dovi face similar threats to their livelihood. They are on the frontlines of climate change, coastal erosion and pollution.
Ministerial Visit in Support of WACA Resip Actions
Author: WACA Program
On December 31, 2020, a field visit by the Minister of Environment and Forest Resources, Mr. FOLI-BAZI Katari, and his counterpart, the Minister of Maritime Economy, Fisheries and Coastal Protection, Mr. TENGUE Edem Kokou, allowed them to get acquainted with the realities of the people living in the coastal areas.
Visite ministérielle dans le cadre des actions de WACA Resip
Author: WACA Program
Ce 31 décembre 2020, une visite de terrain a permis au ministre de l’environnement et des ressources forestières Mr FOLI-BAZI Katari et son homologue le ministre de l’économie maritime, de la pêche et de la protection côtière Mr TENGUE Edem Kokou de s’imprégner des réalités des riverains.
Togo plastic country brief
Author: World Bank
Togo is a low-income country in West Africa bordered by Ghana, Burkina Faso, and Benin. Although Togo’s poverty rate fell from 61.7 percent in 2006 to 53.5 percent in 2017, poverty and inequality remain extremely high, especially in rural areas where 69 percent of households were living below the poverty line in 2015. The country is divided into five administrative regions and runs a unitary presidential republic system with a parliament.