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Knowledge Sheets
The Effects of Climate Change on Coastal Erosion in West Africa
Author: World Bank Group
The effects of climate change—from changing precipitation patterns to rising seas—will exacerbate the coastal erosion already affecting West Africa.
Fiches de connaissances
Les effets du changement climatique sur l’érosion du littoral ouest-Africain
Author: World Bank Group
Les effets du changement climatique – de l’évolution de la pluviométrie à l’augmentation du niveau de la mer – accentueront l’érosion côtière qui touche déjà l’Afrique de l’Ouest, augmentant les risques etégalement la vulnérabilité des populations et des actifs établis dans les zones côtières et les risques.
Knowledge Sheets
Managing Coastal Risks in West Africa
Author: World Bank Group
Coastal erosion is a naturally occurring process that is accelerated by human impacts. Artificial stabilization of the shoreline, the deterioration of natural formations, the construction of infrastructure, the extraction of materials, and the proliferation of dams deprive fragile coastal areas of important sediment deposits, which leads to erosion.
Fiches de connaissances
Gérer les risques côtiers en Afrique de l’Ouest
Author: World Bank Group
Lérosion côtière est un phénomène naturel, accéléré par l’activité humaine. La stabilisation artificielle du littoral, la détérioration des formations naturelles, la construction d’infrastructures, l’extraction de matériaux et la multiplication des barrages privent ces zones côtières fragiles d’apports sédimentaires importants et favorisent l’érosion.
Fiches de connaissances
Réduire la pollution marine et côtière
Author: World Bank Group
Les zones côtières ouest-africaines abritent d’importantes industries, notamment dans les secteurs de l’agroalimentaire, de l’exploitation minière et du tourisme, ainsi que des résidences urbaines et littorales, qui génèrent des déchets et de la pollution. De nombreuses zones du littoral ne disposent pas de systèmes adéquats de traitement des déchets et des eaux usées.
Assesment 2016 West Africa Coastal Areas Mauritania
Author: The West African Monetary and Economic Union (UEMOA)
Mauritania has a master plan for the management of its coastline which has been in the implementation phase since 2016
Évaluation zones côtières d'Afrique de l'Ouest Mauritanie 2016
Author: The West African Monetary and Economic Union (UEMOA)
Assesment 2016 West Africa Coastal Areas Benin
Author: The West African Monetary and Economic Union (UEMOA)
Évaluation zones côtières d'Afrique de l'Ouest Bénin 2016
Author: The West African Monetary and Economic Union (UEMOA)
The physical, social and economic impacts of coastal erosion in Saint Louis, Dakar, Gorée and Ziguinchor
Author: World Bank, WACA
Produced by the Waca ResiP Senegal Project, this video highlights the consequences of coastal erosion in Senegal and will serve to measure the real impact of physical and social investments aimed at protecting coastal communities from the sea's advance.
L' impact de l’érosion côtière sur le plan physique, social et économique cas de Saint – louis, Dakar, Gorée et Ziguinchor
Author: World Bank, WACA
Réalisé par le Projet Waca ResiP Sénégal, cette vidéo met en exergue les impacts liés à l’érosion côtière au Sénégal et servira à mesurer l’impact réel des investissements physiques et sociaux visant à protéger les communautés côtières face l’avancée de la mer.
The importance of Stakeholder Engagement
Author: Tecnoambiente
Securing a multidisciplinary stakeholder participation from all the interested actors is the key for the successiveness of each project. The aforementioned suggestions give light towards the effective inclusion of the local population, either by providing employment opportunities or by involving them in the decision-making process.
WWF plastic pollution in Africa: identifying policy gaps and opportunities
Author: WWF
There is currently no comprehensive report or reference available on the state and impacts of plastic pollution in Africa specifically, or on the policy and legal frameworks required to address this challenge from an African context and perspective. This report aims to fill this knowledge gap by providing a brief glance at the plastic pollution challenge in Africa, the policy options available to address it and recommendations on the policy frameworks still required to tackle the challenge urgently, holistically and in a coordinated manner. This report is primarily aimed at policymakers and experts working in the plastic policy landscape in Africa.
Plastics sector competitiveness strategy and action plan for Côte d'Ivoire
The use of plastics has increased twentyfold worldwide in the last 50 years and is expected to double
in the next 20 years The food packaging, medical, automotive, electronics, building construction, agriculture and textile industries all make extensive use of plastics It is widely recognized that plastics play a crucial role in a sustainable future. -
Insights on healthcare plastic waste management in Lagos State, Nigeria
Given the increased use of plastics in the healthcare sector, this study aims to understand current practice and provide recommendations. Survey conducted to understand current practice and provide recommendations in healthcare plastic waste management in Lagos.