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Multi-Sectoral Investment Plan São Tomé and Príncipe
Author: The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR)/ World Bank
Multi-Sectoral Investment Plan to integrate climate change resilience and disaster risk into São Tomé and Príncipe's coastal zone management.
Plan d'investissement multisectoriel pour São Tomé e Príncipe
Author: The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR)/ World Bank
Plan d'investissement multisectoriel visant à intégrer la résilience aux changements climatiques et les risques de catastrophe dans la gestion des zones côtières de São Tomé e Príncipe.
São Tome e Príncipe: WACA Promotes Safe Port Operations
Author: WACA Sao Tome
Safety and profit are crucial in ports operations. In São Tome e Príncipe, WACA is boosting the capacity of the National Meteorological Institute of São Tomé e Príncipe (INM-STP) to provide to ports up-to-date meteorological services to reduce risks.
São Tomé and Príncipe plastic country brief
Author: World Bank
São Tomé and Príncipe is a lower middle-income small island state 350 km off the coast of West Africa1 . It has a small agrarian economy highly dependent on the exportation of cocoa beans2 . São Tomé and Príncipe is divided into 6 administrative districts and runs a semi-presidential republic system.
São Tomé et Príncipe: fiche pays sur les plastiques
Author: World Bank
São Tomé et Príncipe est un petit État insulaire à revenu moyen inférieur, situé à 350 km au large des côtes de l'Afrique occidentale. Il possède une petite économie agraire fortement dépendante de l'exportation de fèves de cacao2 . São Tomé et Príncipe est divisé en 6 districts administratifs et fonctionne selon un système de république semi-présidentielle.
São Tomé and Príncipe: We need physical and social investments to reduce vulnerabilities
Author: by Arlindo de Carvalho, WACA Coordinator São Tomé and Príncipe
Two schools were built by the WACA Project in São Tomé and Príncipe
Author: by Arlindo de Carvalho, WACA Coordinator São Tomé and Príncipe
Two schools were built by the WACA project in Sao Tomé and Príncipe and opened by the country's government authorities.
Deux écoles construites par le projet WACA à São Tomé et Príncipe.
Author: by Arlindo de Carvalho, WACA Coordinator São Tomé and Príncipe
Deux écoles construites par le projet WACA à S.Tomé et Príncipe ont été inaugurées par les autorités gouvernementales du pays.
WACA communications workshop in Benin
Author: WACA Sao Tome and Principe
WACA communication workshop was held in Benin with all WACA Countries.
Atelier de communication WACA au Bénin
Author: WACA Sao Tome and Principe
L'atelier de communication WACA s'est tenu au Bénin avec tous les pays participants au programme.
Cameroon plastic country brief
Author: World Bank
Cameroon is a lower-middle-income country in West Africa bordered by Nigeria, Chad, the Central African Republic, the Republic of Congo, Gabon, and Equatorial Guinea. The country is endowed with rich natural resources such as fossil fuel reserves, minerals, high-value species of timber, and agricultural products. Cameroon is a unitary state divided into 10 administrative regions, each with an elected regional council and runs a unitary presidential republic system with a parliament.
Cameroun : fiche pays sur les plastiques
Author: World Bank
Le Cameroun est un pays d'Afrique occidentale à revenu moyen inférieur, bordé par le Nigeria, le Tchad, la République centrafricaine, la République du Congo, le Gabon et la Guinée équatoriale. Le pays est doté de riches ressources naturelles telles que des réserves de combustibles fossiles, des minéraux, des espèces de bois de grande valeur et des produits agricoles. Le Cameroun est un État unitaire divisé en 10 régions administratives, chacune dotée d'un conseil régional élu, et fonctionne selon un système de république présidentielle unitaire avec un parlement.
Quarterly West African Regional Coastal Observatory (WARCO) Newsletter
Author: UEMOA, WACA, World Bank, FFEM, UICN
The quarterly West African Regional Coastal Observatory (WARCO) newsletter is created and published on the collaborative platform expertises.
Bulletin de liaison trimestriel de l’Observatoire Régional du Littoral Ouest Africain (ORLOA)
Author: UEMOA, WACA, World Bank, FFEM, UICN
The quarterly West African Regional Coastal Observatory (WARCO) newsletter is created and published on the collaborative platform expertises.
Assessment 2016 West Africa Coastal Areas SENEGAL SOUTH
Author: The West African Monetary and Economic Union (UEMOA)