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WACA News/ January 2020
Author: WACA Program
A summary of different activities and initiatives from WACA and partners.
WACA News/ March 2020
A summary of different activities and initiatives from WACA and partners.
WACA News/ April 2020
A summary of different activities and initiatives from WACA and partners.
WACA News/ Call For Innovation
A summary of different activities and initiatives from WACA and partners.
Communiqué de presse WACA en Côte d’Ivoire : Cinq comités de gestion des plaintes installés et opérationnels dans la zone de Grand Lahou
Author: WACA Cote d'Ivoire
Une étape importante dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du Projet d’Investissement pour la Résilience des Zones côtières en Afrique en Côte d’Ivoire (WACA ResiP) vient d’être franchie avec l’installation du 22 au 28 mars 2020, de 5 Comités Locaux du Mécanisme de Gestion des Plaintes (MGP) dans le département de Grand-Lahou, zone pilote du projet WACA. Il s’agit des Comités Locaux de gestion des plaintes des villages de Lahou-Kpanda, de Groguida, de Likpiliassié, de Braffedon et du Comité Communal de gestion des plaintes de Grand- Lahou.
Projet WACA ResIP : le Comité Régional de Pilotage tient sa 4ème réunion
Author: Safietou SALL BA Spécialiste en Communication WACA-BAR / Projet WACA ResIP
Le 26 juin 2020, s’est tenue par visioconférence, la 4ème session ordinaire du Comité Régional de Pilotage (CRP) du Projet d’Investissement pour la Résilience des Zones Côtières en Afrique de l’Ouest (WACA ResIP). L’objectif était de passer en revue l’état de mise en œuvre des activités du projet aux niveaux national et sous-régional ainsi que les dispositions prises pour la continuité des activités dans le contexte de la Covid19.
Observatoire du littoral ouest Africain (ORLOA) (Extrait de la note d’orientation)
Author: Centre de suivi ecologique
L'érosion du littoral, ainsi que les risques de submersion des côtes, constituent un sujet de plus en plus préoccupant pour les communes et les populations littorales ouest africaines, compte-tenu de l’augmentation des enjeux environnementaux, socio-économiques dans des zones soumises à des aléas naturels récurrents dans un contexte de changement climatique.
Mauritania, World Oceans Day Celebrated through the Press
World Oceans Day was celebrated in Nouakchott in the context of Covid 19. Emphasis was placed on the presentation of WACA through the press. The objective was to increase the visibility of the project in order to obtain the adhesion and full participation of the target populations.
New Publication: Cabo Verde Blue Bond Note
Author: WACA Program/ World Bank
The Government of Cabo Verde recognizes the growth potential of its coastal and marine natural capital and the need to preserve it. It is increasingly paying attention to the potential of a blue economy strategy that could serve as a key enabler of growth and poverty reduction while preserving the environment and increasing its resilience to climate change.
Ministerial Communique on the Occasion of the WACA Program Launch of November 2018
Author: WACA Program
Considering that the coastal zones of West Africa and beyond contain most of the region’s capital cities, that they account for more than one third of the region’s gross domestic product, and are home to more than one third of its population and likely more than half by 2050.
Knowledge Sheets
Briefing Note - Nigeria West Africa Coastal Areas Management Program (WACA)
Nigeria’s coastal and marine area lies on the Atlantic Ocean and borders the gulf of Guinea. It stretches for approximately 853km and includes nine states out of the thirty-six states of the Federation, namely; Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa, Cross River, Delta, Edo, Lagos, Ogun, Ondo and Rivers (1).
The Cost of Coastal Zone Degradation in Nigeria: Cross River, Delta and Lagos States
Author: Lelia Croitoru, Juan José Miranda, Abdellatif Khattabi and Jia Jun Lee
Nigeria is Africa’s richest economy. The country has a large population, abundant natural resources, and diverse cultures. Coastal areas are particularly unique: extending along more than 800 km, they are home to rich ecosystems, thriving industries, and booming opportunities. But these areas are also fragile.
Knowledge Sheets
The Restoration Initiative (TRI) in Guinea-Bissau at a Glance
Author: The Restoration Initiative (TRI)
A Global Environment Fund project called The Restoration Initiative (TRI) in Guinea-Bissau aims to reverse this trend by strengthening food security on the one hand and restoring the mangroves on the other.
Rapport d’activité: Nettoyage du marché des poissons et sensibilisation
Author: WACA Program
West Africa has 2 of the world’s most productive marine & coastal ecosystems valued at $29 bn/year. #WACA Program works to protect wetlands & mangroves that are key to fisheries, coastal protection, carbon sequestration & biodiversity.